Ski touring in iran, in the wild zagros massif, at the start of the villages around chelgerd

2 to March 12, 2020

12 days

accommodation: Hotel, homestay, in fold

group: 10 people maximum

framing: by 1 or 2 (depending on number of participants) mountain guides 

level: good level of skiing

In Iran we find two main mountain ranges: the mountains located in the North of the country, not far from Tehran and Zagros in the South West of Isfahan.

Each winter it snowing heavily. Most of the peaks are snow-covered a good part of the year. Ski touring paradise! the massif of the Zagros is much Wilder because no important city is nearby. Made up of 2 parallel strings separated by deep gorges and canyons, its highest peaks exceed 4,000 meters, the highest point being the ghash-e-mastan to 4548 m. The nomadic way of life is still present in these mountains where you meet even herds of goats and sheep as well as families (including the bakthyaris) that accompany them. in winter, they go down in the low valleys.

Program: (given as an indication) We will have to adapt to the vagaries of the weather, conditions of the mountain and at the participants level.

Day 1: france - Ispahan

arrival in Isfahan and transfer by minibus to reach chelguerd.

D 2: Homestay facility. short touring.

D 3 to day 9: touring village to village on the multiple peaks of nearby day hikes. a vehicle at our disposal is for us and back us up. most of the peaks are in crossing. night homestay in the 3 valleys East of chelguerd.
possible, depending on the desire of the participants to go to sleep in a sheepfold very rustic to discover a distant part of the massif.

Back to Chelguerd Inn to recharge the sacs.

D 10 to day 12: Isfahan

visit Isfahan with a guide Iran.

accommodation at the hotel.

flight back to france.

It is possible (see with the Agency) to extend her stay to visit Yazd, Shiraz, Persepolis.

this trip is designed for a maximum of 6 to 10 participants.

the price includes
• france round-trip flights - Tehran-Isfahan, • vehicle, • transfers all accommodation, meals (except lunch in Tehran and Isfahan, between 10 and €20) and the food, • organization and management, • delivery charges of the collective material, • airport taxes.

the price does not includes
• meals at Isfahan and Tehran, • the drinks and all expenses personal, • insurance cancellation, theft of luggage, repatriation and expenses of first aid, • the potential additional cost of to the weight of the luggage and the covers for ski transportation. 

Available from February to April
Price on demand

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Norway boat / ski touring in Bodo range

Mid - february

# On demand ( well in advance ! )


Aboard Polaris, boat with which we have traveled from Norway to Spitsbergen, we will explore in ski touring Bodo massif, south of lyngen Alps, in front of the lofoten islands.


j1: flight France / Oslo / Bodo, transfer to the boat, home and night in bord.

j2: departure from Bodo to the fjords in the North. Original landing on the island of Landegode, where on 8km long are 4 peaks between 700 and 800 m high, George, kvigtinden, rypdalstinden and navaren. Access by almost attractive beaches for bathing.

j3: Mistfjorden allows access to a more imposing range with a succession of more than 1000 m high summits. Sjunktinden, Trolldinden, or Kjerringtinden. Through frozen lakes.

j4: After having reached the maze of folda fjords, we will consider a crossing between the arm of the sea, on wild highs only accessible by boat. the captain circle to take back us. Several ascents can be chain in the same day, Skolden 780 m, Rundtinden 980 m, and Bjornsvikfjellet.

j5: In a branching out more to the North, rise of the Helldalisen 1350 m. (small glacier)

j6: Lundoya island, a mountain out of streams of Sagfjorden with 2 tops 700 and 800m

j7: On the way back, we again expect a crossing of one fjord to another by the sharp peaks of the Kraktindan.

j8: Return flight Bodo / Oslo / France.


This trip is dedicated to ski touring and is for good Alpine skiers. Physical fitness is required. No heavy backpack, except a lightweight one for the day. Hiking daily ascent from 1000 to 1200 meters, or more according to the level of each. But thanks to the elevation of the sea level and lightweight bags it seems easier.


Michel Zalio and Jérôme Huet, mountain guides will guide the Group during all the trip. The day-by-day program can be modified according to the requirements of the mountain and the sea. The guides know perfectly the high mountain terrain: they are masters on board when it comes to interpreting the vagaries of the all-powerful nature under these latitudes and take the decisions necessary.

accommodation / food

Polaris who is there is a real retreat with all the necessary comfort: you can go to his website for more information. toilets, showers, sinks. heating, 220 volt. One or two personnes cabin. Semi rigid motor annex to land the skiers.

5 people onboard including the captain, a scientist from the sea, two assists, a hostess and a cuisinier. Meals consisted of excellent fresh local produce not tampered to basis of dairy, fish, lambs or reindeer meat and vegetables, but not fruit. full breakfasts, picnic lunch, dinner excellent evening. discovery of a few local specialties, surprising to excellentes. A provide: your personal supply of food from courses.

Price on demand

this price includes round-trip paris / bodo in regular airline, airport, costs of coaching and organizing taxes, full Board on the polaris.

this price does not includes:

- cancellation insurance, theft of luggage insurance. interruption

- cancellation insurance, baggage theft and repatriation insurance.

-drinks and all personal expenses, your equipment. staff

- the extra cost of the weight of the luggage and the covers is recommended to group the skis in a single cover to pay an additional luggage.

This price is calculated for 12 participants for two guides.

information / inscriptions

Jerome Huet: +33.660.84.66.44

This trip is organized in collaboration with the Agency: "les matins du monde", 156 rue cuvier, 69006 lyon.

04 37 24 90 30. License: l i-069-01 - 004.

An account of 35% of the total amount will be paid at reservation. the balance must be paid no later than 30 days before the trip. Option of paying in cb to take advantage of the conditions of your assurance.


Norway - Lofoten Islands


# on request

a south crossing - north of the lofoten, a single ski trip in the world. at the start of leknes, the southern ones, very steep and steep, offer us a wide choice of descents and in particular many runs between the granite walls that make the remission of climbing in the lofoten. the levels are quiet, and you can follow two descents in the day or bubble by the fire while waiting for the next aurora bor ale. h rorbuer bank. then, we cover the north, we change the horn and we slide into more open landscapes, some glaciers that work and always the sea for horizon. the henningsvaer peninsula is a very well-taken place to live and the concerts will make our evenings more than that. an unforgettable journey... come on, look at your skins and come and look at the sea... presentation a week of skin and gliding for those who love the days and the great outdoors, a week with friends, in houses on stilts great comfort, where we will decide each evening of the next day's run, good restaurants, beautiful concerts at the end of week, the evening of the last chance or closure of the cod fishing, it is you who see, a few ferries here and there to pass our van in the and skiing, skiing and especially skiing ... It's not like i'm if you hike ski or snowboard "split" in the lofoten, you will ultimately: skier, snowboarder, t l marker on the seafront in cold snow and light, landscapes so different from the Alps, unique, hike the day, to the part of your Norwegian lodge, with a minimum of positive level for maximum pleasure, yes, we knows how to do, rest in typical comfortable rorbuers and devour a kitchen that will make you love herring, or at least seafood, be encased by j m me' huet, a uiagm guide, eager for travel and discovery you place in van comfort, lou for the whole week for maximum autonomy, make the boat, some beautiful ferry crossings of it, live a beautiful adventure by the sea, for love of the mountain and the glide, and herring contact us for more information programmed this program is given title indicative. we will have to adapt to the alas of the world, mountain conditions and at the level of the participants. day 1: Leknes bets flight International. recovery of the van, road for queen and installation in the rorbu. details of flight schedules and appointment when confirming the trip. v rification of the material. day 2 to day 5: hiking skiing front page day-to-day hikes to a different site in the way of time and snow. The choice is pre-set each day according to the participants and mountain conditions. The randones are made back and forth (summit, pass, valley...). pension in free management, the chef's guide is in the pots, help from a few mirlitons, you. night sakrisoy rorbuer. day 6 to day 10: hiking transfer for henningsvaer, the northern ones. randone along the way. full-school pension guides henningsvaer in comfort apartment. Outputs the day from this new base camp. day 11: leknes last little hike in the morning or last fish the cod. return from the vehicle the leknes airport, then flight for bets. It's not like i.e. this travel is designed for a group of 8 maximum participants. The betting, only effective opportunity to go to the lofoten. The prices are only valid for certain classes of respect for the airlines that serve this destination. they are therefore likely to be changed in the event inavailability of places in these classes at the time of the re-enactment. the price includes The return flights bets leknes, The airport taxes, The organisational and coaching costs, the riverbanking and food, The land transport. the price does not include The excess baggage teeth on flights, The race food, The personal costs (drinks, souvenirs, etc.), your Personal work, The cancellation, repatriation and first aid costs. frame I'm huet, mountain guide and ski instructor, will supervise the group throughout the trip. 1 guide / 8 people maximum. The program day by day can be changed depending on the conditions of the mountain and the sea. guides are well versed in the high ground mountain: they are the only one stun when it is necessary to interest the vagaries of all-powerful nature beneath these latitudes and make the necessary decisions. difficulty @page to margin: 2cm p - margin-bottom: 0.39cm; direction: ltr; color: #000000; letter-spacing: -0.3pt; line-height: 0.39cm; text-align: justify; orphans: 2; widows: 2 p.western - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: en-en p.cjk - font-family: "times new novel", serif; font-size: 10pt p.ctl - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: ar-sa a:link - color: #0000ff @page to margin: 2cm p - margin-bottom: 0.39cm; direction: ltr; color: #000000; letter-spacing: -0.3pt; line-height: 0.39cm; text-align: justify; orphans: 2; widows: 2 p.western - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: en-en p.cjk - font-family: "times new novel", serif; font-size: 10pt p.ctl - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: ar-sa a:link - color: #0000ff this voyage is dedicated to sealskin and addresses good alpine skiers. good physical fitness is required. no portage, except for a small backpack for the day. randonns 800-1800 metres per day, or even depending on the level of each. but sea level altitude and l gers bags make typing easier. @page to margin: 2cm p - margin-bottom: 0.39cm; direction: ltr; color: #000000; letter-spacing: -0.3pt; line-height: 0.39cm; text-align: justify; orphans: 2; widows: 2 p.western - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: en-en p.cjk - font-family: "times new novel", serif; font-size: 10pt p.ctl - font-family: "arial," sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; so-language: ar-sa a:link - color: #0000ff


Greenland - ski touring / boat

From April 6th to April 15th 2019

Incredible journey!

Glaciers flowing into the sea, many mountains that are waiting for us and our spatulas. From manitsok, a boat is waiting for us and let's go to these immense fjords to climb these icy peaks. Every day, a different Summit, every day, a new discover.


day 1: flight to Copenhagen. Overnight at the hotel in Copenhagen. Opportunity to go a day or two before to visit this beautiful city.

Day 2: flight Copenhagen / Manitsok. Installation in the boat. Details of flight schedules and appointments at confirmation of the trip. Verification of the material.

Days 3 to 8: A hike every day in a different site depending on the weather and the boat. The choice is prepared each day between the guides and the captain according to the group, the conditions of the mountain and the sea. We also share these decisions with the participants. Hikes are either round trip (Summit, pass, Valley...) or crossing from one coast to another, the boat takes us on the other side. Day 8 evening: returned to manitsok.

Day 9: luggage packing in the morning to leave the boat at around 8. Taxi to the airport then fly back to Copenhagen. Night in Copenhagen.

Day 10: flight Copenhagen / france.


2 guides / maximum 10 persons.


this trip is devoted to seal skin and is for good Alpine skiers. physical fitness is required. No porting, except a lightweight hiking bag for the day. Hiking daily from 1200 to 1400 meters of ascent, or more according to the level of each. But the elevation of the sea level and lightweight bags are making easy steps. We are skiing on glacier: a good ski technique is recommanded.

Price: Price on demand

price includes: the Yacht Charter with the skipper and the crew, full Board and accommodation on the ship, port charges, fuel, insurance of the boat and the passengers on board, the possible loan of technical equipment: arva,. probes and snow shovels for clients not equipped, transfers, the services of two mountain guides, flights france/Copenhagen and Copenhagen/manitsok, airport taxes, hotel in Copenhagen, the cost of organizing.

the price doesn't includes: excess baggage on flights, meals in Copenhagen, food shopping, transportation costs of your place of residence to the airport of departure, charges personal (drinks, souvenirs etc), eventual rental of skis, cancellation, repatriation insurance